- Fall 2016: Capita Selecta: Set Theory; Forcing (as a teaching assistant for Benedikt Löwe)
- June/July 2016: Coordinated Project; Measurable Cardinals
- Spring 2016: Axiomatic Set Theory (as a teaching assistant for Alexandru Baltag)
- Spring 2015: Axiomatic Set Theory (as a teaching assistant for Alexandru Baltag)
- January 2015: Coordinated Project; Forcing
- Fall 2014: Capita Selecta: Set Theory; Large cardinals and descriptive set theory (as a teaching assistant for Benedikt Löwe)
- Fall 2014: Seminar Mathematical Logic; Highlights of the foundations of mathematics (as an informal teaching assistant for Benedikt Löwe)
- Spring 2014: Axiomatic Set Theory (as a teaching assistant for Benedikt Löwe)